For mommies who want their pre-baby bodies back, the mommy makeover was created for you.
The mommy makeover is a procedure booming in popularity among new mothers and mothers whose children are already grown adults. The mommy makeover addresses body and skin concerns that often occur in women who have carried one or more babies.
After having children, many women experience undesirable body changes such as weight gain, skin stretching and breast sagging. The mommy makeover is tailored to each patient to address their unique needs, targeting body changes on the breasts, stomach area, back, hips and buttocks, and even on the face.
Whatever your specific concerns are, there is a unique mommy makeover plan that can be developed just for you. The classic mommy makeover involves a tummy tuck and breast lift or augmentation, targeting the two areas most affected by pregnancy.
Depending on the patient, a mommy makeover could also include:
• Breast Lift
• Mini Tummy Tuck
• Liposuction & BBL
• Thigh Lift
• Arm Lift
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